Bill Gates v.s. Steve Jobs @ D5 2007
The great Silicon Valley soap opera has come full circle. Not since Apple CEO Steve Jobs famously interviewed Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates as a possible suitor during the “Macintosh Dating Game” back in 1984 have the two men appeared in a joint bill. And at D5, the two shared a stage tonight for the first time in more than 20 years for what promises to be a historic discussion. Live coverage follows … 沙發搬出來,好好看一下文章,大小巨頭相聚,言談中似乎有點針鋒相對之感,還沒時間細看,晚上再來補點東西。影片也尚未出來的樣子。 那先來一張 Steve Jobs 的設計家桌布應應景~ 說起來這個 D5 也真會做生意,一場演講把拆成八個 Video,賺流量又賺廣告嗎(HP買了不少的版面啊!)? 訪問過程影片的完整列表: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Prologue Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Part 1 Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Part 2 Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Part 3 Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Part 4 Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Part 5 Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Part 6 Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Part 7 Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Highlight Reel 聽不懂英文的可以去看 蠻爛的中文翻譯 ,雖然目的是希望讓內容有趣一點,可是這種翻法似乎連諷刺的意味都沒了,真糟糕啊。 英文原文內容則在這裡 。 對話過程當中 Steve Jobs 總是希望能帶一些笑點出來, Bill Gates 則是似乎不希望自己的態勢被...