Windows PowerShell 1.0
Microsoft Windows PowerShell command line shell and scripting language helps IT Professionals achieve greater productivity. Using a new admin-focused scripting language, more than 130 standard command line tools, and consistent syntax and utilities, Windows PowerShell allows IT Professionals to more easily control system administration and accelerate automation. Windows PowerShell is easy to adopt, learn, and use, because it works with your existing IT infrastructure and existing script investments, and because it runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server “Longhorn”. Exchange Server 2007, System Center Operations Manager 2007, System Center Data Protection Manager V2, and System Center Virtual Machine Manager leverage Windows PowerShell to improve efficiency and productivity.微軟推出新一代的 Command line shell 與腳本語言,多達130 種標準命令可以使用。 這是自 1995 年 Windows NT 3.5 定裝整個 Windows 發展之後,之後第一次更新 Command line shell ,也是最重大的一次,在以往伺服器服務相當簡單化的情況下,利用批次檔語言( *.bat )是綽綽有餘的,但是視窗的對岸( Mac OSX 、 Linux 、 FreeBSD 等)都有強大的腳本語言可以使用,也經常被使用者拿來作比較,這次的更新將會讓整個視窗系統更加進化。
主要的檔案在此下載,新的語言需要學習,所以別忘記連 Windows PowerShell Documentation Pack 一起帶走。