Blogger Template : Gadget 1.1 ( AOL Style ) EN

Blogger Template : Gadget 1.1 ( AOL Style )
Code Name : Gadget (EN)
Width : 850px

Description :

1. This template has an multi columns sidebar.

2. Clean Code without other unnecessary plug-ins or widgets. Easy re-modded.

3. Expandable post summaries in main page from Blogger Help.
Here is the beginning of my post. <span class="fullpost">And here is the rest of it.</span>

4. Expandable posts in label/archive pages.

5. Labels as breadcrumb from Hoctro.

6. Open Linklist links in a new window.

7. Bloggerattom Hovering Blogger Navbar from Bloggeratto

8.Footer Section has affiliated settings in "Fonts & Colors" Page. You can fully control Footer Title Text Color, Footer Title Background Color & Footer Text Color.

How to install:
Click "Template", then "Edit Html". Download your existing template for Backup. Click Browse button, select Gadget.xml and Upload.

Template Name : Gadget 1.1 (EN)

Chinese Version goes here.


Gatsby 廣告中木村拓哉機械舞的背後


Google Doodle : Pacman 小精靈