CRM for Google - 免費的客戶關係管理系統

CRM:Customer Relationship Management(客戶關係管理系統)
Personal Edition - Free*
The Personal Edition is intended for single users only, but is a complete Customer Relationship Management System. This version will be free for users and supported by ads placed by Etelos.

Professional Edition - $25 Per User*
Free Trial through March 30th
Those with multiple users will want to select the Professional edition. This version gives users the ability to share tasks, appointments and contacts amongst users on the system. This version also allows users to take advantage of the many features available from the project management system. Designed to automate project updates and keep team members informed and working as a team, the project management feature is vital to the success of an organization.

Enterprise Edition - $50 Per User*
(coming soon!)
The Enterprise Edition will be released on April 30th and includes access to the source code of this application and the ability to either choose a partner hosting provider or the ability to purchase a license and host it yourself.


Gatsby 廣告中木村拓哉機械舞的背後


Google Doodle : Pacman 小精靈