- 引述 :『呃…銀行辦的活動也大概差不多就是這樣了,總之你刷卡,我送獎品,有多少台就拿出來大家抽看看,比誰的運氣好。刷三千元可以有一次抽獎機會,六千元兩次、九千元的話還不如把那些錢直接拿來買一台。』
銀行總是會做些蠢事。 - 引述 :『Blizzard Entertainment 宣布第 2 屆「BlizzCon 遊戲高峰會」的計畫,此一活動是為了全球《魔獸(Warcraft)》系列、《星海(Starcraft)》系列及《暗黑破壞神(Diablo)》系列玩家所特別籌辦的。』
全球?不過好像台灣沒啥反應,台灣應該是在外星球。 - 引述 :『The saga of the Palm operating system continues, with CEO Ed Colligan announcing the company will combine its Garnet OS with a new Linux-based platform later this year.』
唉,收一收吧! - 引述 :『Google reached an agreement today to acquire DoubleClick, the online advertising company, from two private equity firms for $3.1 billion in cash, the companies announced, an amount that was almost double the $1.65 billion in stock that Google paid for YouTube late last year.』
畢竟 DoubleClicks 是有實際產值的公司,而網路廣告的市佔率已經快要超過電視廣告,Google 又是在北美網路廣告中的王,這個價錢應該不過份。 - 引述 :『Folks, allow me to introduce the Gutsy Gibbon, who will be succeeding the Feisty Fawn as the focus of our development love in a few short weeks, for release in October 2007. 』
Ubuntu 7.10 定名為長臂猿,應該就是為了成就一個一個更能夠自由擺盪、自由自在、更為自由的作業系統。 - 引述 :『By the age of five, a child can understand spoken language, distinguish a cat from a dog, and play a game of catch. These are three of the many things humans find easy that computers and robots currently cannot do.』
電腦要能夠像人腦一樣思考,路還是很遠,但是確有可能在十年內超過人腦的運算能力。 - 引述 :『The first software designed to both tweak and optimize Windows Vista.』
第一個能夠修改 VISTA 外觀的軟體, PowerToys 中有 TweakUI ,這個是來魚目混珠的? - 引述 :『The map utilizes the Google Maps API and therefore behaves just a like a Google Map.』
利用 Google Maps API 所製作成的 WoW 地圖,包含最新外域與兩個新主城(德萊尼與血精靈),啊~我妖嬌的血精靈啊~ - 引述 :『Computer makers have been told they'll no longer be able to get Windows XP OEM by the end of this year, despite consumer resistance to Vista and its compatibility problems.』
對,換 Windows Vista 吧!好不好用、快不快,看人用啦! - 引述 :『Apple announced in a statement yesterday that OSX 10.5 Leopard will be delayed until at least October.』
應該是在作業系統當中變不出新把戲來了(加軟體可不是新把戲),畢竟是個半版號(0.5),一定要有個系統本身的功能突破才能推出,Time Machine 就看會吃掉多少硬碟吧? Vista 吃記憶體,Leopard 吃硬碟,硬體廠商股票要再漲吧?