Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 4 開放下載

Ubuntu Gusty 部落(Tribe)發展終於慢慢的爬到第四階段,可是為什麼在提過部落發展第一階段之後就沒什麼再提其後的版本呢?最主要是因為在 Tribe 1Tribe 2並未感受到很大的跳躍,到了Tribe 3正巧在更動整個隨身的工作系統而跳過了這個版本,但是這次 Tribe 4 的釋出就真的讓人感受到 Ubuntu 進化的腳步似乎又再加快了!

GNOME 2.19.6

As usual, this tribe brings you the latest and greatest GNOME.
版本從原本 Tribe 1 的 2.19.1 升到 2.19.6。

Desktop search with Tracker
The Tracker indexer has been added to the desktop, making it easy and lightning fast to search for your documents, photos, music, videos, chat logs, and all other files. You can use Tracker in the search dialog, the file selector, nautilus, or the Deskbar applet.
這是一個新的搜尋功能,感覺就像是 Mac OS X 的 Spotlight ,主要的桌面競爭對象應該是 Google Desktop for Linux,但是似乎內建於系統的這個 Tracker 會更好一點,不過 Tracker 這個名字總讓我想到微軟那隻煩人的狗,能不能更 Ubuntu 一點、取個土狼、食蟻獸之類更非洲草原動物的名稱呢?


Fast user switching

It is now possible to easily switch between user sessions without the inconvenience of entering your username or password numerous times.
這個也應該是從 Mac OS X 處得來的靈感,不知道切換使用者的時候 3D 桌面有沒有更驚人的動畫表現?例如兩個立方體直接對調之類的,這樣的操作更有物件感吧?


Deskbar applet
The deskbar applet is now included in the default configuration. It allows quick access to your common actions, including opening web bookmarks and searches, sending messages to your contacts, and more.


OpenOffice.org 2.3
OpenOffice.org is an amazing, FREE office suite for your personal computer. Version 2.3 is a beta release and still has a few bugs, but none the less the OpenOffice.org developers have impressed us all once again. There are many new features, a bunch of bug fixes, and improved functionality.

AppArmor by default
First introduced in Tribe 3, the AppArmor security framework is now installed by default.
AppArmor is a framework for providing enhanced proactive security through mandatory access control, i. e. minimize the privileges of processes to greatly reduce the potential impact of security vulnerabilities. The profiles themselves are shipped in universe, since they are not officially supported yet.

Smooth shutdown splash
The splash screen displayed on shutdown no longer flickers briefly to a black screen during the shutdown process.

http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-4/ (Ubuntu)
http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-4/ (Kubuntu)
http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-4/ (Edubuntu)
http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-4/ (Xubuntu)


原因不明啊~/_\ 可是我已經把之前的磁區給砍了,唉~


Gatsby 廣告中木村拓哉機械舞的背後


Google Doodle : Pacman 小精靈