[WoW] 盜賊從後面來! "Rogues Do it From Behind" MP3 下載
World of Warcraft 魔獸世界當中享譽艾澤拉斯、獨霸部落與聯盟樂壇的知名獨立音樂搖滾樂團 LV70ETC(Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain)繼知名單曲 Power of Horde、I am Murloc 之後,在艾澤拉斯所有死忠樂迷的衷心期待之下,終於推出 08 年最新單曲 "Rogues Do it From Behind",為了向所有死忠樂迷致敬,最新單曲立刻在 52 區地精工程師的協助之下,將令人熱血沸騰(啊?)的音樂轉成 MP3 放上魔獸網路,樂迷們瘋狂的抓取也造成各類魔法潰散、卡拉贊大飯店頻頻出現異狀、戰場時開時關甚至無法離開(囧)。
此單曲推出沒多久,立刻成為艾澤拉斯大陸與外域地區眾英雄人物與魔王的最愛,就連薩塔城難民區哭鬧不停的難民小孩也能用哭音唱上兩句,劍刃山脈的峽谷不時迴盪著身軀龐大的酒醉巨魔歌聲,連瓦許女士在毒蛇神殿燙頭髮的時候都要求髮型設計師要改播 LV70ETC 的最新單曲 CD,風暴要塞更將此歌曲轉成無線電波打向外太空去,希望能夠發現德萊尼以外的外星生命(好加以侵略與利用),MC 與 NAXX 的老魔王們聽到最新單曲時都忍不住輕撫自己的背部、尾部或臀部上的傷痕,懷念以往熱鬧的時光、撫慰現今寂寞的心靈。
LV70ETC 也獲得廣大的廠商贊助,在這次推出單曲的同時也舉辦了艾澤拉斯 MV 大賽!只要你在魔獸世界當中勇敢秀出你自己,拍攝出配得上這支最新單曲的 MV,你就有機會獲得薩塔城巨魔水果店提供的 8GB 愛趴 Touch (三個名額)、毒蛇神殿理髮廳提供瓦許女是最愛的螺髻 G15 鍵盤(五個名額),更有機會得到卡拉贊神隱大飯店所獨家贊助的 LV70ETC 親筆簽名 World of Warcraft Battlechest(一個名額)!(啊?)
下載吧!快抓吧!不然盜賊會從後面來啦!下載最新單曲、立刻就上活動網頁(真的啊~ 不然你以為這裡是 KUSO 魚人電台啊?)
Rogues Do It From Behind歌詞:
I love to one-shot mages
I live to two-shot priests
When I see ya
I'll PvP ya
Spanking n00bs, that's my favorite cheese
Rogues - Do it in the darkness
Rogues - Do it where the sun don't shine
Rogues - And with a little drop of poison
Rogues do it from behind.... Gonna creep inside your backdoor
I wear Bloodfang leather
Bonescythe and Netherblade
Chop-chop the level-7 warlock
Gonna take him out with Perdition's Blade
Rogues - Do it in the darkness
Rogues - Do it where the sun don't shine
Rogues - And with a little drop of poison
Rogues do it from behind
Sinister Strike, Eviscerate, Cheap Shot, Backstab
Slice and Dice, Ambush, Rupture, Blind
Sinister Strike, Eviscerate, Cheap Shot, Backstab
Gank you
Thank you
Now I outrank you!
With dagger, mace, and sword
We are Alliance or the mighty Horde!
Not your everyday type prankster
Call me and ICE-T, Original Ganksta
You'll never hear me coming
When I creep across the floor
With deadly force
You're dead, of course
Now I'm gonna camp your corpse
Rogues - Do it in the darkness
Rogues - Do it where the sun don't shine
Rogues - And with a little drop of poison
Rogues do it from behind!