PlayStation 3 vs. Nintendo Wii
在巴哈上瀰漫著一股「嚴禁主機比較」的氣味,深怕 Xbox 360 、 PlayStation 3 、Wii 三派信眾互相對罵起來,影響討論區和諧與巴哈的生意,不過國外的比較倒是不少很好笑的,像是底下的比較方式就很不錯,尤其是看到售價中一個「貴的離譜」一個是「合理的離譜」,我真的笑出來:
Nintendo says 600,000 Wiis sold in eight days
Including sales of accessories and games, Wii-related revenue has hit $190 million since the console's release, company says.(from ZDNet News)
Nintendo says 600,000 Wiis sold in eight days
Including sales of accessories and games, Wii-related revenue has hit $190 million since the console's release, company says.(from ZDNet News)